Meet the Team: Katie Melia

By Krista Harris | 23 September 2022
3 Minute Read

We have another new Flow instructor to introduce, Katie Melia, who will be running Slow Flow Yoga sessions on Mondays at 11AM-12PM and Fridays 12PM-1PM, now available to book on the app! Keep reading to get to know more about Katie…

My name is Katie and I teach various styles of yoga – hatha, vinyasa, restorative, pre and post-natal yoga, meditation and yoga nidra. I recently moved to the area from London with my husband and two children.

My classes offer a slow mindful practice, a moving meditation coordinating movement to the breath. Through physical strengthening, stretching, stillness and attention to the breath you will walk away with a sense of clarity and equanimity.

A little about me…

I am married to Paul and we have two gorgeous (although I don’t always think that) children Max and Violet. I love horse riding, running and spending time with family and friends.

Why did you decide to become a Yoga Instructor?

I have been practising yoga for 12 years and teaching for 7 years. I decided to do my yoga teacher training in order to deepen my own practice and learn more about not just the physical side of the practice but the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects too.

What is your favourite exercise?

I love running outside in nature. I love how accessible it is, just put on your trainers and go. That “runners high” is wonderful and makes everything feel better!

What is your least favourite exercise?

Anything too strenuous! Give me a gentle jog and some yoga any day!

What motivates you?

I know that if I practice yoga consistently, as much as I have time for each day, it keeps my mind and body balanced.

What is your quote to live by?

“Be happy with what you have” it’s so easy to overlook what’s right in front of you, pay more attention to and be grateful for what you do have.

What is your favourite treat?

I love horse riding and the opportunity to ride is always a treat but if there isn’t a horse available cake will do!

Try one of Katie’s new yoga classes at Instinct…

/ Slow Flow Yoga

Mondays 11AM | Fridays 12PM

Each class includes simple breathwork (pranayama) and meditation, asana (postures) and relaxation. We will settle the mind and the body bringing attention to the breath and physical sensations then take a moving meditation by linking movement to the gentle rhythm of the breath. The practice will help to develop strength, flexibility, stability, physical and mental well being. In yoga we practice being in the present moment, which in turn, helps to settle the mind. These classes are suitable for any level, variations and modifications are offered and you are encouraged to work at your own level.

Download our app, or book on our website.

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